Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What about Agent Angels?

Agent Angels... 3 structure decks melded into a top-tier deck. Everyone asked for it for years, and when it finally came, everyone became angry?

I read somewhere on another blog that Tengu-driven Synchro and Agent Angel are opposites, because Tengu wins by doing any move that currently is good and having a good number of moves to chose from, and that Agent Angel only can do Earth into Venus, Venus into Gachi, and then drop boss monsters till they win.
Of course the variants playing T.G. monsters also have the options to do minor Synchro plays, but that is mostly irrelevant.

I used to believe that as well, until the last tournament I played in.

This guy played an insanely teched Agent Angel.

He played these cards in his deck:

These cards offer so much for the deck. Agent Angel has space, he chose to fill that space by thinking smartly, breaking new ground. The only other tech choices I've seen are Debris Dragon, Card Trooper, Genex Ally Birdman and the not-so-techish Tour Guide.

These cards have synergy, which is the first thing to note. A drop of Exodius followed by Eatos is powerful. Also, Exodius recylces Mystical Shine Balls, which few other cards can do effectively (barring Pot of Avarice, but that counteracts against Hyperion and Venus more). He is also always playable, makes for some great surprise plays.
Keep in mind that you can overlay Daigusto Phoenix, giving you an instant Shine Ball for giving Exodius 1000 ATK, then you attack and send down the third Shine Ball for 2000 ATK.
1600+2000+1500+1500 = 7600. That is quite a lot for a combo requiring two unrestricted cards and any 1 monster in your Graveyard. Of course this result won't be achieved everytime, but I hope you get the point.

Debris Dragon is played to give greater Synchro options, mainly for the Shine Ball+Debris+Venus=Trishula play, but also in some extent for Trident Dragion. Yes, Trident Dragion.
This is another underrated card, which should see more play. Debris+Iron Chain is this fabolous card which will, ALWAYS, come as a surprise. Surprise is a great moment. It is however not as fun when your opponent drops Herald on your Trident Dragion. Makes me want to scream.

If you control Venus and Earth, you pay out for 3 Shine Balls, synchro Iron Chain or Orient Dragon, then summon Debris Dragon, resurrect the Shine Ball and synchro Triden Dragion. Boom the Shine Balls, drop Kristya (3 Shine Balls, 1 Earth).
Good game next please.

Yes, it is a bit situational, but I assure you that plays like that are possible, and even if they weren't, Debris Dragon is still a good tech.

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