Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Unlike the other malevolent and random creations I have posted so far, this deck is thoroughly played and understood.
The deck in question is Dark World, using the new Hell's Gate Starter deck and the TCG-exclusive Tour Guide from the Underworld in splendid overpower.
Such a deck is illegal in both OCG and TCG, but by using Dueling Network this creation has come to life. Some claim it should never have seen the light of day.

3 Grapha, Dragon God of Dark World
3 Snow, Mage of Dark World
3 Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
3 Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
3 Tour Guide from the Underworld
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Sangan
1 Plaguespreader Zombie

3 Dark World Lightning
3 Gate of the Dark World
3 Pot of Duality
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Monster Reborn
1 Mind Control
1 Card Destruction

2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Solemn Warning
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Judgment

1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Orient Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Adrius, Keeper of Armageddon
2 Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
2 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1 Steelswarm Roach
1 Number 39: Utopia
2 Leviair the Sea Dragon

It doesn't play Future Fusion!
And yet it wins.
The most obvious combo is the Tour Guide from the Underworld searching Sangan and making Leviathan, then detach and search another good card. In most cases this is another Tour Guide.

The best combo is really simple. This deck is quite simple, but I'll go over it more thoroughly anyway, if you don't like reading excessive long essays skip to the combo section.

Wall of useless text start.

The monster are pretty much optimized, although I could see myself dropping the Dark Armed and Plaguespreader. Preferably for Bronn or Beiige, giving this deck more discarding power or an extra  target for the Rank 3's.
Playing at least 1 Raven or 1 Bronn should work out, especially Raven given you can search it out with Sangan, basically giving you five copies of it in your deck. Bronn and Raven are both monster cards however, and this is good; giving you more outs to a t1 Shi En which the deck usually struggles against, but honestly which deck doesn't?
The triple Goldd might look like to much; and it is.
However, the deck needs to be able to Exceed into the Rank 5's and therefore they stay, or at worst I might drop 1 for a Sillva but it doesn't actually modify the count of level 5 Dark Worlds. It should be possible to play another level 5, for example Cyber Dragon, but it feels like non-Fiends slow the deck down to much.

In the Spell section you might notice the lack of Dark World Dealings. It's not that I've forgotten it, but rather that I decided not to play it. Why?
It's effect is really good. Yes, I'd love to play it.
But you auto-lose the mirror match if you do, so therefore it is a excluded. I have actually won 2 mirror matches due to their Dark World Dealings.
I simply hate Giant Trunade except in REALLY fast decks and therefore it is also excluded. Book of Moon is absent once again, and as much as I'd like playing it I prefer this deck at 40 cards.
If you really feel like playing Book; drop the Allure, it doesn't do much anyway.

The traps isn't really much to talk about. All the staples except Call, because it basically serves no purpose in this deck. I would like to play 1-2 Virus Cards as well, but after testing it just didn't click for me.  But in theory the would provide a huge edge against T.G. and Gravekeeper. T.G. is about hard, but Gravekeeper is smooth sailing all day. They can't use Royal Tribute without losing and you can trump their Necrovalley. You can fight without Gate but they can't fight without Necrovalley.

This deck beats basically EVERYTHING (yes, eveything. But in capital letters) except for Six Samurai dropping t1 Shi En and Macro dropping t1 Dimensional Fissure/Macro Cosmos. I know Macro Cosmos is t2 but yeah anyway.
The problem for the opposing decks is that their protection is too easily ravaged by Dark World Lightning. I honestly believe that this card, even with the mirror match aspect excluded, is superior to Dark World Dealings.
It wrecks Gladiator Beast, along with Plants (but only early game due to Limit Reverse), and the card is MVP vs T.G. and Gravekeeper, destroying loads of cards for simple cost. A 2 for 2 destruction card is simply too good, and it also sets up for greater combos, more on that below.

I read on a blog somewhere that T.G. generally beats Dark World. Do I think this is true?
I honestly believe T.G. has and edge but it is by no means an autoloss. They set some cards and summon Tengu/T.G., normally a very good play and hard-countered play.
But you play down Dark World Lightning, either wiping their precious 1 for 1 removal/unchainable TG1-EMI or forcing them to chain Skill Drain/Horn of the Phantom Beast. If they chain you sadly won't be able to discard, but a flipped Horn is much less terrifying than a facedown one, really.
If you succeed in DWL, you discard a card putting further pressure.
Hopefully you will hold a Grapha for simple use, killing another S/T and crippling them. Because T.G. thrives on having their MONSTER CARDS killed, not their backrows. All the monsters are fairly weak and even with Skill Drain in play Grapha proves an almost unstoppable force without Dimensional Prison/Bottomelss Trap Hole.

Gladiator Beast also seems hard but except for Tour Guide and Sangan it basically doesn't have any good targets for Chariot. Once again, wreck with DWL and Grapha combo.
The annoying thing is that anything smaller than Grapha will be insta-killed (with our without Forbidden Lance), so therefore it is advisable to conserve. The key here is to play well, not draw well really. Even if it of course helps.

Wall of useless text end.

Combo part! Yay! I don't feel like coming up with phony names for the combos, so unless you have good ideas for stupid names, in which case you may feel free to comment, these names will stick.

Tour Guide Gate
  1. Summon Tour Guide of the Underworld, grab Sangan and overlay for Leviathan, detach and search (Dueling Network is mostly TCG community). Grab "something good", for example a second Tour Guide if you have a Dark World in hand, or a Broww if not.
  2. Discard and profit from the Dark World using Gate.
  3. You have earned 2 free cards and set up.

Tour Guide Gate Grapha
  1. Same step as above but make Leviair instead.
  2. Remove Dark World using Gate to draw and discard Grapha, blowing up a card.
  3. Detach and summon a level 4 or lower Dark World, return it for Grapha.
  4. You have earned 3 free cards (4 if using Sangan).

All the combos are really simple and earn a lot of advantage. The second combo also inflicts 4800 damage as well as destroying a card.
If you used Allure on a level 4 or lower before combo 1 you can go for Leviair instead of Leviathan and detach Sangan to special summon that monster.

During the next list, I'd replace Allure and 1 PoD for MST and Heavy Storm.
The Extra Deck will probably include Ally of Justice Decisive Armor if Lightsworn becomes big.

Oh, and I'm 61-5 on Dueling Network using this deck. Consistent right?
Might add more combos later.


  1. amazing site dude , please talk some day in the future about the steelswarm and gemknights guys

  2. If you say I might... need to test them first though.
